Sally Haskins, M.A.
Psycho-Spiritual Counseling | Group Work | PhD Research
My work is rooted in a deep intention to help our world heal. We live in critical, yet extraordinary times. Humans have the responsibility of healing, growth, and maturation in order to remember our deep nature and rediscover new ways of relating that will not only benefit ourselves, but our entire planetary community.
Healing, growth, and maturation is about coming to understand who we are, where we come from, and what we are choosing to do here. When both individuals and communities engage in this work, deep insights are unearthed, direction and purpose becomes more clear, and profound potential arises from unexpected places. I believe that those of us who engage in a deep and sustained healing process are not only committed to our own transformation, but also serve as agents for the transformation of our times.​

This work is...​
Body-centered: I rely on the self-organizing intelligence of the body to help guide and inform our practice together. In this somatic approach, we explore our present experience using mindfulness and curiosity in order to uncover wisdom, insight, resources, and understanding that aid and expand our self-concept.
Parts-focused: We are multifaceted beings made up of many voices, opinions, perspectives, and personalities who are oftentimes at odds with one another. This work honors our multiplicity while providing ways in which to engage our parts, mend tensions, allow for paradox, and eventually experience a more integrated sense of self.
Cosmically entangled: With a background in evolutionary cosmology, I recognize healing as a process of maturation, where one will discover and embody their authentic nature, their soulful purpose, and the ways in which to live out that purpose for the benefit of themselves, others, and the entire planetary community.